Ryback vs. Willard Fillmore and Rutherford “PS” Hayes
Another two local wrestlers. The crowd chants Goldberg as Ryback hits the double Samoan drop for the win.
Winner: Ryback

- We see the steel cage being lowered over the ring. Show vs. Kingston is up next as we go to commercial.

- Vince McMahon is backstage with Hornswoggle. Vince does an impersonation of Jim Ross. John Cena comes in to a very mixed reaction from the crowd. They go back and forth and Cena wants Vince to use those two words tonight when it comes to Laurinaitis. Otunga walks in and tries to change Vince’s mind about lawyers. Vince doesn’t like Otunga sucking up. Vince says nobody respects a man who would kiss another man’s behind. Vince looks over and William Regal is there looking around. Vince says no disrespect and that’s it.

Steel Cage Match: Kofi Kingston vs. Big Show
Kofi tries to crawl out of the cage door but Show pulls him back in. Kofi kicks him back and goes for the door again. Show pulls him back in. Show grabs a kick this time and levels Kofi with the knockout punch. A referee checks on Kofi as Show walks out of the cage door. He takes his time before stepping on the floor and winning the match.
Winner: Big Show

Sin Cara vs. Curt Hawkins
Cara with a stomp on the hand, a kick and another big arm drag. Cara plants Hawkins with his finisher for the win.
Winner: Sin Cara

- Still to come, Vince McMahon’s decision about the future of John Laurinaitis. Back to commercial we go.

- Daniel Bryan is backstage warming up when Vince McMahon walks in and wishes him good luck. Bryan is surprised because he didn’t think Vince would like someone like him. Vince says if Bryan was walking down the street with groceries, he wouldn’t be mistaken for a WWE Superstar. Bryan cuts Vince off and says he’s been fired before and he proved Vince wrong. Vince goes on and leaves Bryan to think.

- We see a locker room for a mystery man from RAW’s past that has been brought by John Laurinaitis in honor of the upcoming 1000th episode. Back to commercial.

Heath Slater vs. Vader
Justin Roberts is in the ring and says the following match was arranged by John Laurinaitis in honor of the upcoming 1000th RAW. Slater takes the mic and doesn’t want to talk about former Superstars. Slater says it’s time, it’s time, it’s Slater time. He’s interrupted by Vader’s music! Vader returns to a big pop from the crowd. Vader slams Slater in the corner and climbs to the second rope for a big Vader Bomb. Vader covers for the win.
Winner: Vader

- AJ Lee is backstage freaking out about the main event. CM Punk walks up and tries to calm her down. He tells her to stay on the apron and don’t do anything crazy, she will be fine. AJ kisses Punk on the cheek and walks off as we go to commercial.

Kane and Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk and AJ Lee
AJ is tagged in as Punk gets dumped on the outside. AJ comes in to Kane in the middle of the ring. She smiles at him and starts skipping around him in a circle. AJ jumps onto Kane and wraps her legs around him. She gives him a big kiss. Kane stops and stares at her. He tags in Bryan and leaves the ring, going to the back slowly. Bryan charges Punk and gets knocked back. Punk climbs to the top and connects with the top rope elbow for the win.
Winners: AJ and CM Punk

- We see Kane looking back from the stage as AJ smiles at Punk. Punk looks a little confused as AJ sits down in the ring and smiles.

- Back from the break and out comes Vince McMahon with a team of security right behind him. Vince talks about his love for the city of Hartford and the state of Connecticut. Vince calls out John Laurinaitis to the ring and out he comes with his crutch. Laurinaitis says he doesn’t appreciate what happened to his scooter earlier. He says Vince doesn’t need security because he would never think about hitting Vince. Vince says the security isn’t for him, it’s for Laurinaitis. Laurinaitis tells Vince not to make a decision he will regret. Laurinaitis says he has improved WWE since coming on. Laurinaitis tells Vince to let him stay and run People Power. Vince goes to fire Laurinaitis but Big Show’s music hits and out he comes.

Show comes out defending Laurinaitis and talks about his iron-clad contract. Show says he has done everything Vince wanted over the years. Show says he no longer has to be the entertainer Vince wanted him to be. He can now be the giant he is supposed to be. Show says Vince should be worried about what’s going to happen to John Cena at No Way Out. Cena’s music interrupts and out he comes.
Cena cuts a promo on Laurinaitis, Show and No Way Out. He says if Show doesn’t pummel him at No Way Out, then he’s out of excuses. Cena says Show has to win or that’s it for him. Vince says he is going to be sitting at ringside on Sunday with Laurinaitis. Vince says if Big Show is a disappointment like everyone thinks he is, then Vince is going to fire Laurinaitis. Show grabs Cena by his neck. Security comes in but Show tosses them all off. Laurinaitis gets involved and it’s chaos. During all this, Vince gets knocked down by a Big Show knockout punch meant for Cena and everyone is shocked. RAW goes off the air with Cena looking shocked as Vince is laid out.

Source: WrestleNewz.com

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